Monthly Archives: March 2015

Spring had sprung

So, despite the horrendous windy weather we’ve been experiencing lately and the snow just a week ago, I believe the spring has sprung. It is time for action, time for new plans, new horizons and adventures. I have decided to leave my beloved Edinburgh, once again, and head south like a migrating bird. Except I won’t be flying but riding a bicycle to France! That might sound crazy to some but I feel the need to shake up my life every now and then, giving myself challenges to see what I can do and to really feel alive, as only adventure can make me feel.

It is really thanks to my lovely flatmate Al that I’m doing this. When I moved in, he pointed at the bike and said ‘Go, cycle!’ and the rest is history. This marvellous thing on wheels is actually electric which makes it easier for someone like me with arthritic knees but you still have to pedal and work hard, so it’s not going to be an easy ride by any means. But what a sense of freedom, powering your own way forward, watching the views go by, feeling the elements around you! And in the end you’ll get to your destination, maybe a little slower but definitely richer by what you have seen and experienced.

When I have pedalled myself to France, I will be doing ‘woofing’ (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms), voluntary work where you ‘learn about organic growing and low-impact lifestyle through hands-on experience’. Plenty of outdoor activities punctuated by delicious, organic food (and wine! It’s France after all!), meeting new people and this all in a more pleasant climate. What’s not to like?


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